march on Friday la t from Gordaloope Eighty Troop for Brazos under the Comodant of Laberdia. the People are in confusion they are however willin" to any mea ure that the unanimous Voice of the people of the Colony may dietate but they are not willing to Take up arms without a general meeting and mear ures adopted by the ,..hole They have organi ed themselve and muster seventy-five strong You will confer A particular favour on me to give me ome informa- tion of the situation of Affairs at that place as I have been from home ever since the commencement of thi A:ffaii:
I am Sir with re pcct yr Obt St. B A Porter [Endorsed]
[Addre sed]
Majr A Brigham
From B A P"'rter To A a Brigham one of the Committee
pr n~ Ic rutt
Brazoria Texas
No. 152
Brazoria July 2nd 1832
To Lieut Gen B l\foKin try
Commanding at the mouth of the Brazos Sir this i to inform you that we have l'eceived information from the Lavaca Carancaway and Navidad settlement and they have had a meeting and appointed a standing committee. to communicate. They have forwarded documents giving information of their forming a Volunteer Corps of 75 Effectual l\fen, wl10 hold 'I hemsclves in readiness to march at any time to any place or point where it may be deemed mo t expedient- As al o other letters, the mo t important of which we hereby transmit to you a Copy-We have al o thought it important to send a small detachment of men-to your a i tance a we suppose you are short of men at this time, they will be placed under the charae of l\Ir David H. Iilburn until they arrive, when you will take charge of the ame. . The Committee would al o deem it necc sary to remove all .the provisions and ammunition, now in the camp, to the fort, and Keep constantly a strict guard on Both side of the river so as to prevent any communication what Ever . The Committee al o deem it expedient to forward the departure of the Vessell with tho e Soldiers as soon a pos ible, for fear they
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