The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 149 1832 July 2, CITIZE rs fEE'TING 7

To Ramon l\Iusquis and the Ayuntamiento of the Jurisdiction of Au.tin. Upon.the reception of the addres and resolution.s 8 sent by express, a public meeting was called at the town of Bastrop.- The citizens of the town and ettlements upon the Rio Colorado decl-are unequivocally that tlley have ever been, and still continue to be loyal subject of the l\fexican Government, and are ready to obey 1111y order, command or requi ite that may b~ deemed neccs• ~zy.-- . 'l'hey further •declare, that they respect and are subject to. the con titution and laws and will take up arms for their defence if re- quired by the Government.- The citizens with deference represent that owing to their present· situation and the very short notice they received they find them- elve unable to go to Austin en masse but as many as can will meet No. 150 [1832 o. hly 2], 'I'. J. GAZLEY, [BASTROP] TO J. AUSTIN apt. John Austin Sir-The foregoing 0 is a verbatim copy of the writing that was signed by the citizens of this precinct.-The people are now in favour of Santa na. I tran mit the copy to yon in compliance with my promise. aod the requc~t of several person in Brazoria, in order that misrepresen- tations made may be corrected. the appointment.-- Bastrop, July 2, 1832.

Your Obt. Sevat,

Thos. Gazley


Capt. John-Austin, 2d Alcalde of the Juri diction.of Austin Brazoria Texas No. 151 1832 Ju'ty 2, B. A. PORTER, [NEAR NAVIDAD] TO A. BRIGH nI July 2nd. 1832 l.Iajr Brigham Dr ir I forwarded you some papers 10 committed to my rharge by a committee on Navidad. I am Two days from that place thare wa A report and no_ doubt of the Truth of it that there would 'Copy by Thomas J. Gazley. 'Nos. 144 and 145. •1 o. 149. 10 Nos. 141 and 143.

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