unhappily for us all, unhappily for the prospects of thi delightful country, (in which ome have· passed day and nights of toil and fati(l'ue to provide food for their families,) none has been- but a be- ginning has been made at the precise point, where all redress should end more than ten years have rolled into short endless Shades of time,- that will be no more; Since you ifirst experienced the privations and misseries of Settleing a wilderness-will you permit an act of despera- tion and imprudence in your fellow citizens to erase from your minds and recollections the scenes of toil and suffering of 1821-1822. and 1823.- will you or can you forget the munificent bounties and benefits of that government, and of that nation, that admited and encouraged your Settlement V Are you ready and willing to pennit that your country-men, your friends,- even your kindred Shall hurl defiance at the government, and bring destruction upon your families 1 Or will you unite as one man, and use those exertions which bonoi-able and high minded feelings Suggest, and -cause a return to their homes and to their duties of our misguidetl and unfortunate fellow citizens, a crisis has now arrived, that all must be up and doing,. The government calls upon us, it is our duty to obey the call-Acts and not words are now wal].ting- and the only way for us to convince the government that we are not directly opposed to it, is now for every man to be found attentive to its call and ready ·at his post, and by all being united, we may yet ward off the evil that threatens not only those who unfortunately are up in arms, but ourselves, because if the government be convinced that we are all in rebellion, ere harve t time this our. delightful colony will be filled witn troops-let us ward off this evil; let us for a while quit our homes, and by our promptness con- vince the government that we are faithful, and by this ,we will do much to save our brethren who are erroniously in arms- It is said of old that one just man Saved 1 inevah, and it is equally possible that the mass of the colony by uniting and adhering to the govern- ment may save all the rest Y A general call is made, all! all! are wanting, and it is better to acrifice n little than to jeopardize all, on aturday the 7th. day of July a general meeting will be held at this place, and all who can come Should do so-- The Ayuntamto. had a mcetin" today at which the Chief of this de- .partment presided he is our friend-and we rn..11st not lose his friend- ship by luke warm and pusilanimous concuclct, we must be men- and think like men-A resolutionG wa adopted by the Ayuntumto, a copy of which accompanies this address-Let your movements be prompt and rapid, and join and unite with u. heart in hand to a"c the colony, and our fellow citizens, from the impending ruin, and let our children have the happinc s in future a(l'es of counting their forefathers as among those who in 1 32, Saved the country. from the terrible nllliction of anarchy and confnsion, and the distruction which both tht·eaten with. Wc arc respectfully your fellow citizen A Copy Horatio Chrcisman
prcsidtc. Samuel [ Williams s cy
'No. 144.
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