The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



witb respect to thos misguided Citizen & inhabitants who have by a precipitate appeal to arm for personal revenge placed themselves in a ho tile attitude ao-ainst the govemment and to obtain a return of tho e Citizens to their home and cbedience to the laws by the operations of reason or by an appeal to arm in Conformity with the order and Call of the Government in Ca,e of a la t re ort Horatio Chrei man presedte. Samuel 1\1 "Williams secy No. 145


To the citizen . Inhabitants and residents of Austin Colony- Fellow Citizens Little did we apprehend that as members of the Ayuntamto. under the enjoyment of those Suffrages, which you with calmness. and a free exercic:e of your judgments were pleased to extend to ward. us, and with which you confided to us the management, and government of your local interests, that it would ever become our duty to call upon you to declare in the most solemn and determin11te manner, and not· by words; but by acts, your • adhesion and your fidelity to the 1\[exican government, its con titu- tion and its Laws- But unfortunately, and unhappily for us all, that duty is now impoEed and required at onr hand , and the time has arrived. when the government mu t know positively and unequivo- cally, who are its nbject , who obey its Law., and who claims its protection- hall it be said that north Americans transplanted upon another Soil, degenerate, Shall it be Said, that they no longer listen to the high minded dictates of honor and principle,-brit that as de- generates from one clime, they in another give a loose reign to un- bridled pa siou -and illegal and unjustifiable proceedings- For your leo-al representatives bave dared to d·eclare that Such is not the character, Such is not the feelino-s of the mass whom we repre ent. ~ow, the time ha come when we are compelled to call on yon , to Support us in our declaration- and prove to the government that we are not deceived in you-and that they have not been deceived in us all. · Hatred. and·revenge, the Strongest passions that occupy the human brel!.st, Stimulated a number of our citizens to take upon themsclve a redres of injuries committed by the military commander of of [sic] Anahuac-on Some resident of the country not belonging to the colony and having no other tie, and npt an other claim on tl1e citizens of this colony, than that the ame land gave u birth, and further for allcgd outrages on the co11stitution and Law of the country we l1ave adoptcd,--We admit that wrong ha been committed, but what course does our con titution and our Laws, point out for redress of wrong private or public?-the answer from all must be, the Snpreme constituted authorities of the country-Vvas any such appeal made?

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