The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


same when enrolled we ascertained our st1ength to amount to seventyfive effectual men able to bear arms in our defence; we then proceeded to the appointment of officers whereupon Joseph A. Looney was elected captain John York first aml "William Heard sec- ond Lieutenants and in consequence of information received by some Gentlemen directly from Guadaloupe that troops had been ordered from St. Antm1ia as well as from Guadalope to march to the assi1,;tenee of the garisons at the mouth· of Brazos and Anahuac the committee of arangements appointed in the body of the resolu- tio11s required Capt. Loony to detail two men to go as far as ~fr. Hardys on Navidad in order to ascertain whether any troops had passed that road on their way to the eastward and report to them immediately should the ,above infor)nation be fact which will be known here in a very short time the earliest possible opportunity bill be embraced to communicate intelegence of the same to you as we)] as other parts of the colony that you and they may know how to shape your course in order to meet and repel the said troops if entering the colony with hostile views which I think would certainly be their object our committee Jiave also taken measures to carry into effect the object contemplated in that part of the resolutions relative to the mexican citizens residing in tlie towns immediately 'to the west of us and not far from this· Neighbourhood the committee being present request me to inclose to you a copy of the proceedings of the meeting accompanied with a request that you have the same published in the Texas G,azette I have the honor to be yours with respet William ~Ienefee June 29th. 1832. [Addressed]

[Endo1·sedJ O.riginal letter from William l\lenefee Esq. one of the Commite at LaYaca

The Standing Committee At Brazoria Austin's Colony Texas ,

Politeness of Mr. Porter



In the town of Austin on the 30th. ,J1111e 1832 at a meeting of the .t\.ynntamto. of this jurisdiction at this plncc which was nttrncl<>d presided by the chief of this department Don Ramon l\lusqnier It wns nnancmonsly r<>solvc,l that without One moments clclay the rit- i:r.cns and inhabitants of A11sti11s Colon~· Con vine in gen<>ml me<>ting at this pince on Saturday the Seve111h day of next month, ,Jnl~·, for. the. purpose of declnring tlwir allegianc-e to the government which they have voluntnrily adopted and nlso their feelings an<l opinions

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