The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



because they have taken a notion to revolt, thu expressing their in- gratitude for the protection which the l\Iexican Republic has given them. I am an -old soldier and none of this news can intimidate me, since I do not believe that sensible men who have had so many advantages in this land wonld like to lose them in a day; but if such should be the case, you would find me determined in everything. Well then, my friend. are they perchance the ones who should determine the affairs of the officers of the Federation? I know that you have been suspended from office, and who can do it but the Supreme Govern- ment? And are these men acting in accordance with the lawf If the present Government yields to General Santana, the latter will send troops to avenge the insults they have made against the Mexicans. You will remember when the Spaniards came, they found us divided; but as soon as they arrived, we all united to attack them. The same thing will happen now. The great Nation will march upon these rebellious people, and they will not be treated as individuals of the ration, but as revolutionaries; since the Nation has adopted them as its sons. Citizen John Austin made petitions to the Commanding General, but unt[rue) to his promises, he has permitted armed men to march against (An] ahuac. Should I be inactive while they are nghting the :Mexicans? No! Friend, the fortune of war will decide it. Regards to Dona Ygnasita. Your very humble servant and friend who is at your command. [Addressed] · To Citizen Fran [cis] co Duelor, Custom House Officer at the inouth of the Brazos River. Brasoria.

0. 136 1832 J1tne 25, CITIZENS' l\rEETIKG

.At a general and unancious meeting of the citizens of the town of San Felipe de Austin and its Vicinity held on the 25th day of June 1832 for the purpose of deliberating upon the. present alarm- ing Situation of thi~ colony and of adopting Some mea ·nres to extricate it from the great difficulties iuto which it has been in- volved, and to avert the impending ruin which threatens it, the citizen -Horatio Chriesman first alcalde of the :Municipality took the chair as president, and appointed Samuel 1\1. Williams Secretary: and having nominated Thomas Jefferson Chambers, John Rice Jones, Lewis L. ,Veeder, John Dinsmore, and Martin Allan as a committee to draft re olutions foe the consideration of the meeting: the follow- ing were presented and adopted with but one dissenting voice. Resolved that this meeting views with the deepest concern, regret and disapprobation the late nnadvi cd and precipitate measures at Ana- huac and lhazoria- Resolved. that this colony ought not to be involved in an affair which may be attended with the most fatal consequences. without being previolL'lly consulted and having its consent obtained.

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