The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




such-rea olutions as you observe publi bed in the last number of the Texas Gazette to which we re pectfully refer you, Capt. Au tin immediarely bore these proceedings to us and as was authorized called a meeting of the citizens for the purpo e of giving the matter a mature consideration-which meeting was fully attended by. the Planters of the Vicinity & citizens of the Town after the meeting bad become organized it was deemed expedeant to appoint a committee to consist of thirteen indi"iduals to draft such resolutions and effect such arrangements best calculated to promote the good order and happine s of the collony. ,Vhich were to be submitted to an adgourned meeting where the following gentlemen were appointed to embrace said committe, A a Brigham, Wm. H. Wharton Henry W Munson, David Randon-Sterling l\Ic Teal, Ilenry Smith, Wm. J. Russel John Austin, John W. Cloud, E. Waller Joseph Reese, l\Iajr. James P. Caldwell & Chas R Stewart who on consideration reported that the teps yet before taken were precipitate at the same time had gone o far were of oponion the only com· e left for tlS to pur ue wa to take up arms and and [sic] go on with the undertakino- which was unanimously --- 96 -by the adgourned meeting The next object wa then to olicit volunteer when 150 men cheerfully enrolled themseh·e made all necessary Equipment & appeared accordinl!l.Y 011 the gronnd well armed & equipped, appointed Officers & became under strict military diciplin our f9rce have 110,1· emparke for the 111onth of the River with the intention of taking that fort they then intend embarking immediately to Anahuac where they will join the forces a embled near that place when they will make the attack on the fort at Anahac-We have in service the fine chr. Brazoria which conveys a number of our men with Cannon .Amunition &c &c. ,Ye the undersigned have been appointed a tanding committee for eon• eltation, and solicit that you will make communications with 11 on this subject · [Endorsed] Communication of Committe of Vigilance to . C Buckner

Wm. Manifee Thos. l\I. Duke ,vm. l forrisOn T. R. Fi her Danl. Rawl Ramey & Geo Huff

.·o.134 1832 J1rne 23, .A. BRIGHA~I TO J. A


Brazoria. Jun _3 1832

Sir I write to inform you that yc:terdny nt 4 0 'clock p m. the Citi- zen of thi. place n embl d in order to adopt some nee ry ..In the manuscript the word "accepted" was written a.od then crossed out.

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