The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 133

[1832 o. June 23], STA.l'JDI. 'G COl\Ii'irITTEE OF CON, ULTATIO:--J' TO A. C. BUCKNER AND OTHER, [LAVACA SETTLEMENT Y) Having een the doings of a meeting held in your neighborhood on the 21st Inst for the purpose of considering the existing state of the affairs of our colony & vicinity. Feeling assured you are ignorant of what has transpired amoung us & the existing sentiment of the citizens of this section as well as in other parts. We cheerfully appeciate the opportunity of placing you in possession of facts as they do exist, very respectfully soliciting ycur aid in effecting the object m1dertaken--- Jn the first instance ,ve receved information that some gentlemen had gone from San Felipe to Anahuac for the purpose of relieving three young men from the callaboose who Col. Bradburn had com- mited unconstitutionally without preferring charges of any sort against _them as they should have done, We were solicited to unite in the Expedition We called a meeting to consider the matter when Thirty men volunteered their services who Embarked immediately to meet our friends at a designated point Capt Jno. Austin gave imme- diate jnformation personally to the commander of forces at the mouth of this River who on reflection· said he was fully sati fied Col Brad- burn was grossly wrong in this matter & recommended ·ome other course for atisfaction of grievances to the one we were persumg, At the same time induced Capt. Austin with a subordinate officer to embark immeiliately to Anahuac & reconcile the matter at the same time reccommending Bradburn to deliver up these young men to the civil authority which was all we required, the e two gentlemen ac• cordingy waited on Col Bradburn who became much emaged at the part our Col. had taken & passed the officer who accompanied, Capt. A. into the calaboose, declaring he was paid for fighting & was pre- pared for the busines -however on further consideration, he proposed a treaty, a committee of three were appointed to wait on him to Effect that object, consisting of Capt. Austin Luke Lesassier & Wiley Martin. They Effected a treaty with Col, Bradburn of this purport. That within forty Eight hours from the time it was made he was to deliver up these young men to the civil Authority and our forces were to retire from Anahu~c pledging their honors most sacred as Officers the treaty should be complied with After thls was fuiished the commanding officer of our forces consider- ing hostilitie at ap. end gave permission of all to return to their respective homes, all who lived near left immediately as also some from this place many having come a distance retired to Turtle Bayou, where they encamped-Capt. Austin remained at Anahuac to cansel the treaty with Col Bradburn at the time stipulated before this time expired Bradburn notified the Women and children of the town they could have but two hours to leave· the place after which time he should rob & plunder pronouncing the treaty broken-oµr forces being lim- ited it was deemed imprudent to oppose -rum accordingly entered into

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