The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




Recd. nrazoria Jnly 1832 from Geo. B. )fckin. try, One :Mu kct Com- plite which I promise to return when Caned upon--

V. Bennet

[Endorsed] Receipts for Sundry 1\fuskets 1832

Xo. 132

1832 Jm1e 22-[27], BRAZORI , MILI1'IA 0 •

Brazoria June 22nd 1832 Capt. John Au tin, commanding the detachment of filitia, from Brazoria. left thi dav at 10 oclock A ~r for he mouth of tbe Brazos • River, with the Rise of 100 men, about Sixty ,\'ere dispatched by land, and Forty By water, on 'Bord the Schoonr Brazoria. with Two Canon- ades one Gun-ade one s,.,ivel and Two Blunder Bu se & a Small Snpply of Ammunition for the Same. ·uarched by Land near W. H. Wharton's Landing, there encamped during the night, the Schooner passed that point about one Oclock the same night and arrived at Blawk Camp, about 8 Oclock on the morning of the 23rd when the detachment by land came up, the next morning abo11t ten oclock and proceeded from thence to W. A. Calvets Labour of Land about Two l\liles above the ~fouth of the Brazos wher the encamped during the Remainder of that day and the following night a ITTJard and cout- ing party went out, and went near the fort and were fired upon from the fort by the Canon and 15 & 20 muskets, But no damage was done. -Remained in the Same camp during the night of 24th and the day of the 25th making preparations for Storming the fort, made th1~ee portable Barccades of Two Inch pine plank about 4 ft high and about 20 feet long, which are to be taken by hand within 40 yds of the fort where they will be placed for the purpose of defending om Rifle men whilst they cut of[f] their Artillery men and when that Shall be accomplished the main force Shall Rush forward and make a breach in the Wall Wall [sic] of the fort by cutting away with n.·es hoes &c, and pulling down the pickets and hauling the sand immediately into the ditch which Surrounds the fort.-1\farched at 12 oclock the night of the 25th to accomplish the plans last di cribed. arl'ived at Eeast Unions about 1 P. M. on the mo[r]ning of the 26th, remaine I at that tation. waiting for the Keel Boat Bearing the Bnrocade and the Schooner with the Artillery until about 4 P. I of the ame day. Recvd news that on account of the fresh Bree and Strong tide, that it would be impossible for them to come down in which ca c it was requisite for land forces to Return to our camps again to pa another day, which time we pas. cd in makeing ome few l_ittlc necessary preparation for an nttnct on the following night, and iu Hcstinl.! the men. during which time I would mention the circum tnncc of )Ir. '!'hos. B. Bill's being Broke of his office as Capt. of the Rine Corp . 2nd Division by a large majority of his men, for being Rash impercipitate and incnpnblc of commanding his men in a judicious manner, in pince of which Henn· mith was unanimously 1-.."'lccted. • - l .J ., ·, •ct. nos. 148 and 1619.

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