The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


1811 Ja11. 18, CER'Pll<'ICATE OF ELE TIO! OF ~L SALCEDO A..'•m nrox DE HERRERA 10 Caso 11 exe'cnted in Monclover 3rd. Augt. 1811 His addres at Bexar 9th Feb1·. 1811'~ · 18 Jany. 1811 Election held in Bexar for Civil and ::\filitary Governs, -The election return reads thu -extract '' The votes being counted resulted as follows, that .according to the disposition of the whole, the command and defense of the province be reposed in Ilis Exy. Don Emecio [ Y] de Salcedo and that His Excy. Don Simn Herera is Lieut. Col. who will prepare to meet the enemy on the riogrande as well as to put the city in a state of defense"-18 Jany 1811

Hedalgo captured 21 irarch 1811 shot end of July 1811 12 •

Xo. 9 1815 June 12, I-I. PERRY. CERTIFICATE OF W. D. C. HALL'S SERVICE I~ REPUBLICA, 1 • ARMY 13 Be it knon that ·warren D. C. Hall entered the service of the :;\lexican Republic as a volunteer on the 20th of Aug11st 1812 and continued in said service untill the retreat of the Republican Army near San Antonio de Bexar on the 20th day of August 1813 during which time he signalized himself in several battles .and has been since promoted to the rank of Captain in the expedition fitted out nnder the auspices of the Field Jlarshall -Anaya.- Given under my hand at New Orleans this 12th day of June 1 15. · Henry Perry . 'o. 10 1815 Aug. 1, ,J. B. GU'l'rnRREZ DE LARA '1'0 TITE MFL IC.A •. CONGRE. S. ACCO l'\T OF PROGRE OF REVOLUTIO.' FRO::if BEGIN~l~G AC'co1111t 1'cndcred hy me, Don Jo. c Bernardo Guti<'rl'<'Z, Ocncrnl and [former Commancfor•l in.Chief of the army in tl1c internal prov. inccs, to his :\lajesty the S[overei~nl •':itionnl [Co111?relss of Mexico, of all occurrences in the internal provitJCes since the beginning of '"A. or. or Lnmar; the original has not been round. "Juan nauUsta de las Casas.[ ?J "Note by Lamar. "Copy. In no. 2504. late commanding the Anglo Americans in th<' service of ::\Jexican Republic in the internal Provinces.

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