The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I





Geo. Drinkard Jno. l\IcLaughlin A.G. l\Iills Thos. F. Converse l\I. J. Anderson 0. S. Mc eel :J.C. Lyons Jas. M. Westall :w m. H. Settle Jas. P. Caldwell H. L. Bennat [ T] John Dimkard Edward Jeffrey Wm. C. Smithe John Pickering Charles A Betner 1\J. T. Hines ·c. D. trodt [ ?] Jno. James Phin.eas Ripley Jno Foster Ii} Waller G. l\I. Collinsworth ,Henry Smith D. W. Anthony ' L. X. Smither Wm. H. Patton D R. l\Ielburn Jas. Phe ington Lewis Lomas Stephen A Brown ,Jas ~I. Wood on ,Tno G. l\lcNeel Bacha 1\1. Cox Sam. Farr Elisha l\J axy Edward Winston Smith Bailev • nntingo J ~c PPres 0 : ,Jas l\l!. l\fc eel

l Wm Robertson 2 GB M Catton 3 WI Bassett 4 Edward Robertson 5 Chas B Stewart 6 Geo. B. tcKinstry 7 l\landus Berry

2-:l 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

8 Sylvester Bowin 9 Edmund llawkins IO W. L. For [ f] J Brown 11 Arthur Robertson 12 Wm. Donahoe 13 Robt. G. Slaton 14 H. W. l\lunson 15 Edwin Richeson 16 Jno. Austin 17 "\V. H. Wharton 18 Allan Lannison 19 Chas. D. Sayre 20 Jno S. foon 21 Wm. G. B. Johnson

22 David Webb 23 A. J. Harris

49 Alen Calvit 50 A. l\Iitchell

51 A Bertrand [ Y] 52 James Thompson 53 Jessie Williams 54 Henry H Dast 55 E. Willoughhy 56 Isaac Demison 57 Thos Iedlock 58 Jas. Rees 59 Jno. Brown 60 Theodor Bennet 61 Wm. K. !IIcDonald·

84 85 86 87 88 89. 90

62 A. E. Wes tall 63 Isaac ·waters

64 Hiram Thompson 65 Sam Wolfinbingcr G6 B. ITaney "Inserted In pencil In orlgloal.

Gowin Harris fannc :Martial 91 ·sam White

•Marshall written above In pencil ID orlgloal.

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