The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



On motion & seconded resolved that a committee be appointed to communicate the proceedings of this meeting to the officers at the mouth of the river Brasos-Whereupon Messrs John Austin W.arren D C Hall & William Eckle were unanimously elected said committee- Also on motion & seconded Pleasant D. McNiel & John Au tin were unanimously elected for the Same object for the citizens of San Felipe de Austin & the Ayuntamiento of said Jurisdiction-Also on motion Messrs George B l\IcKinstry & Charles B Stewart were unanimously elected to communicate the proceedings of this meeting to the people of Trinity and vicinity On motion Charles D.·Sayre was unanimously elected to communi- cate as above to the people of the Town of l\latagorda & Navidad Resolved that the Several committees are hereby vested with discre- tionary powers. John Austin Chairman B T Archer Secy.


June 20th 1832

Dear Sir: Last night there ,,·as an express arived at the month 24 hours from Anahuac (Bradburn) to the Col at the Mouth for Soldiers the Col has sent 23 soldiers and there officers making in all 27 or 28 the ruarched about 12 o'clock to day-the express states that the Meri~ cans have taken, 14 american prisoners and are feeding them on bread and water onley-that Bradburn has sent to agadochcs f01· 300 men which is with him hy this time the likewise say that there l1as been 2 americans killed this news I have had from the Col through an interpretor- last night I was riding to the Mouth to the Mouth f sic] after night was met by a soldier under arms half way to the bridg he hailed to know who I was and 1rhere I wa from I pretended tb not understand him he then ast me in english if I wa from Brazoria- about 2 hours after night the Col marched all his mcu into the Foart and kept them there all night this day he called on me to move my eowpcn further from his foart saying it was in his way (I told him if he wanted it moved he must do it himself) yesterday after noon all hands was imployed in sighting the cannon 1,articularly on every house 011 the point and marking cACh ight and position thi morning J wcut ou purpo e to sec if they lrnd marked there sights I found it to be the cnse this no doubt is to b' prepared to storm each house by night or day in case n force shonlcl collect against them- Inst night during my nbsc11cc a soldier hrokl! into my honse through the window drnwcd a knife upon my ncgro

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