The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



Ja l\Ic:Neel 89 Gowin Harris 90 [ T] Thomp on [name cratched out] Isaac l\Iartial [ fJ

67 B Haney 6 l\lathew Ilarris 69 Chas. Covington 70 terling McNeel 71 A t:itchell 7""' I~aac l\Iaden 73 Hugh Wesby 7-1 Tho Fletcher 75 L. Smither 76 W TI Patton 77 D. II Milburn 7 J as. Phe ington 79 Lewi Lomi 0 Stephen A Brown 1 J [ Woodson 2 Jno G. l\fc1 eel 3 Eacha :M Cox 4 Sam Farr 5 Elish Maxy 6 Edward Winston 87 Smith Bailey

am White Joseph A Dupong Jno G Robison Joel W Robison Andrew Bradley Sidney Phillip Lewi Beatright J as Phche House Jno. W. Cloud Nicholas Dilliard Santiago Jose Peres J oscph S :rrntrtin l\Iilton Hix Thos. B. Ball John Hodge

0. 120

[1832 c. June 20.], CITIZE1 1 S' MEETLrG, fBRAZORIA]

Tiy exprc,s we ]1ave thi day received intelligence that the goverment as heretofore exerci ed & administered i dissolved and that our neighbour of the we t have declared for the con titution-circum. . tanced a we are by tbi intelligence it become nece sary that we ~hon]d follow tl1e example of our brethren of the west and take a aecided stand in the present crisi -A meeting of .the citizens was imrnidiately called to take under con ideration the existing exigency -On motion of Capt James B. Baily. Seconded the meeting was organized-Capt John Austin wa called to the chair & Branch T. Archer appointed ecretary-Whereupon the chairman submitted the following to the meeting which after a full discussion of its merit was unanimou ly adopted-Believing a we do the existing uutboritic of the republic of l\Iexico have through the whole course of the administration of the government evinced a total di re(J'ard of the constitution of the country-That charter by which the right. to govern is desired-That charter that guarantees to the people· of the country all the right & privileges of freeman-And above all that charter which wc have solemnly pledged our Ives to our God to upport in it true sen e & original purity-We therefore feel our- elves con trained under the conviction aforesaid to declar our op- po ition to the ruling dynasty & to place OUl'selves in the ranks of the upporter of the constitution And until some regular coo titu- tional organization i establi ihed to keep ourselves within the pale of that in trument & to admini ter the government in the hest po · siblc mode-

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