The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



1832 J1me 19, JOSE DE LAS PIEDRA TO AYUNTAMIE TO OF SAN FELIPE] 81 TRANSLATION Military Command of the frontier-With much regret I have recd. information that, from that town or its jurisdiction or more clearly from that Colony an armed force has tarted against the post of Anahuac, for the purpose of taking "by force from the Military Commander three or five pri oners which he has under his charge and keeping. I know not for what offences committed. · T.his movement executed with arms in hand to demand anything even the most just, i in all views illegal, scandalous, and what is worse criminal, for no one in a regularly constituted nation has the right of taking up arins to decide his rights, and much less in groups or masses. Our Laws have not yet regulated the right of revolution and the mo 't enthusia tic authors of liberty and the rights of man in society hardly designate rare cases in which a peo- ple are authorized to e against an established govt. and then by means of circumstance and requisites very Singular and re- markable. nder such premises, and considering on the other l1and the bad example placed before the other inhabitants of the Country by the new Colonist of the Colony of Austin, I find myself compeiled to excite your honorable body by means of this Communication to put in movement all the resources within your power and faculties to procure by all possible and imaginary means a return to order of all those persons who may have taken an active part in the tumult directing themselves to the post of Anahuac fo"r the purpose before C'Xpressed advising them for me, and in the name of the Supreme Govt. of the Nation, to do so under the idea that if they have any claims to . ett up for ·their offended rights that they make them in a legal a11d orderly manner and before the established authorities, and a ured that they shall be attended to with entire justice. I promise my elf from the Zeal which animates that Corporation, that this time they will shew the national and State governments to which they belong, that ii in Austin olony there are unfortu- nately ome disturber of order and public tranquility there likewi. e exists a municipal authority attached to the govt. which by it prompt measures dissipated in a moment the injury that the ill disposed liad prepared. I am confidrnt that, that Corporation will use all it. exertion to restore public tranquility at all o t and that it will afford me all the .a. si. tancc which I may need to obtain that object in the un- expectrcl event that thr 'orpornti_on may not he nhle to obtain

"'English translation. A. D. or Samuel 1'1. Wllllams.

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