The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II

PAPERS OF 1\fIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR 585 and if it is rejected, we will at least have had the satisfaction of evincing our desire for a cessation of hostilities." This will be handed to you by Ramon nlezes, who was attached to General Santa Anna, taken prisoner, and has remained with Col: Sherman until he heard I was to visit l\Iexico - he is a youth of excellent -character, and I particularly recommend him to your care and through you to President Santa Anna. The mail of today brings us intelligence that the Padre is in Prison - this is a great hardship - he had no more to do with my coming to Vera Cruz, than Queen Victoria - it was decided upon before his visit to Texas, and upon being asked as to the probable result, said, ''he had no possible influence upon political questions - that as a man of peace and as Padre to the Palace he hoped his children of Texas would be listened to"-for heaven's sake inter- fere in his behalf

I am &c Barnard E. Bee

No. 1292

1839 May 23, S. HKWES TO [l\1. B. LAMAR, HOUSTON]

City of Aransas

l\Iay 23rd. 1839




The President Sir

By recent intelligence from Jose l\Iaria :Mouskes and Gomez Delores, two respectable l\Iexicans from the Rio Grande, who report that on their way to this place and west of the Nueces River at a place called the high timbers, they discovered nine Dead Mexicans (one a female) who had been murdered by the Lapan tribe of Indians, I am very credibly informed the horses belonging to the l\Iexicans may be seen in the Lapan Camp - l\Iany families are desirous to leave the Rio Grande and settle in this western Country, but are prevented through fear of Indian hostilities no faith or dependance I am fully satisfied can be placed in Castro, the Lapan Chief, and the only l\fethod to keep them within proper bonnds is by an armed force, and I would most respectfully recom- ment that one or more companies of l\Iounted men be stationed on or near the Nueces River as early as practicable it will protect the mexican trade, and give co;nfidence and security to the western inhabitants, and they loudly call for it I have the honor to be Very ReRpectfully Your Excellencys obt Rvt Samuel Hewes f rubric]

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