The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 1281

1839 ll!ay 19, J. HAMILTON TO 1\1. B. LAl\IAR

Baltimore l\Iay 19t. 1839

My Dear Sir

I have come down here for the purpose of examing the vessel building here under Mr. ·william's contract with Mr. Dawson. I have never been more delighted in my life. It will be one of the most beautiful squadrons in the world of its size, and I assure you that nothing can exceed the fidelity with which l\Ir. Dawson has thus far fulfilled his contract or the ability & vigilance with which 11r. Williams has superinteded its execution I positively think these the h.andsomest & most promising vessels I have ever seen in my life. The new Schooner in which Mr. "Williams embarks, is a fair sample of all the rest, & I can compare her in symmetry to nothing else than a beautiful woman.- I believe My Dear Sir from political ,causes you have been 1:,eparated from some of the immediate friends & relatives of Mr. Williams, but towards this Gentleman I am sure when you know him you can entertain none but kind & friendly sentiments. - His bearing in conversation towards yourself has been uniformaly kind & respectful & I assure you that no man within the limits of your Republic is more prepa·red to repress the violence of party spirit & to give your .administration a cordial support than himself.- Altho' my appointment under your kind & friendly favor may in some degree be supposed to have superceded his, yet nothing can · have exceeded the manner in which he has received this preference towads myself in both his magnanimity[?] & forbearance,-from not casting even a reflection on Your conduct.- you will I hope even before this reaches you hear good news from me in regard to my Loan, be assured of my success & the esteem with which I am l\fy Dr. Sir

very respectflly &

faithfully Yours J Hamilton [rubric] [Endorsed] Genl Jas. Hamilton Baltim [ore] 19th. l\fay 1839

His Excellency (S 1\1. B.- Lamar

[Addressed] His Excellency -M. B. Lamar.- Favd. by S 1\1 ·williams r - Esqr.-J



No. 1283

[1839 May 20], FENTON 1\1. GIBSO~, H[lTGH] 1\fcLEOD AND OTHERS, [HOUSTON, TEXAS] I Petition to Mirabeau L 1 amar, Houston, Texas,

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