PAPERS OF MIRABEAU BuoNAPARTE LAMAR 575 his squeamishness, might lead any other than yourself to a mis- construction of my motives - I shall not again trouble you with the subject- Genl. Dunlap addressed a note to l\Ir Forsythe yesterday morning requesting to know when he might be presented &c- No answer yet - l\Ir Ellis will leave here tomorrow on a mission to :Uexico - It is to be regretted we could not have assured a negotiation for the intervention of the U. S. in our contemplated tre.aty of Mexico before this gentlemans departure,- but heads of Departments are not minute men, and we must however impatiently wait their leisure- There is a strange rumor here, that Genl Houston for the release of Santa Anna received from him (Santa Anna) Two hundred thousand dollars in cash - There is the story as I received it - A gentleman whose name I have forgotten, but who boarded at the same house and dined at the same table with l\Ir. Austin Bryan, asserted at the public table that he knew the fact - Bryan con- tradicted it as a vile calumny upon the national honor·of his Country and dem;mded the proof - the gentleman, replied that he had no documents with him to substantiate what he said, but that he had seen with his own eyes upon the Books of the Lizardis in New Orleans a credit of $200,000 in favor of Sam Houston, frorn Genl. Santa Anna"- This is the story exactly as I had it from Bryans lips, ·and I give it with all the circumstances for what it is worth - If you could get some confidential friends to look into the matter without implicating you, it might lead to great C.onsequences - What think you of it? I went, when at Baltimore to visit the vessels that are being built for Texas ___, They are six in number, one Ship, two brigs & three Schooners, and are the .admiration of every body - They will all be ready for sea by first of November - · You will perceive in reading what I have written, that through- out it is strictly private & Confidential, and I hope will either be destroyed or filed aw_ily by your own hand - I intend to write [ 1) by the same conveyance to some member of my family, but have not time - If you happen to be at the Island, I hope you will make this known ~ I have not had a line from one of them since I left there, save a few words from Dolph whilst I was in l\Iobile - I wrote by mail to Sister Oliv_a a few days ago, which I suppose will reach her long before this gets to your hands - I have just learned that l\Ir Ellis, will remain ten or twelve days in New York, and we may yet know something definite on this subject of intervention before he sails - He expresses himself warmly in favor of Texas, aud if authorised by his govt. will interfere icarmly in our behalf- Your friend Saml. A. ;Roberts
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