The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 1273 1839 May 14, SAlVI[UE]L A. PLUl\11\IER, NEW ORLEANS, [LOUI- SIANA], TO M[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] Introducing Col. Philip Weaver, ~f Alabama, capitalist. A. 1. S. 1 p. No. 1274 1839 Jllay [15?], 8. A. ROBERTS TO [lVI. B. LAMAR, HOUSTON]


Washington City May [15 ?J 1839

Dear l\Ir Austin Bryan leaves here to day to t~ke passage for Galveston in one of the new Schooners built for Texas a1J Baltimore - I have intended for, more than a week to write to you, but wished only to defer it, until after Genl. Dunlap had had. an audience, but am com- pelled at last to anticipate that event or loase an opportunity of writing by a safe conveyance - Dunlap arrived here three days ago,- on the day after his .arrival he sent the letter of re-call addressed to Doctor Jones to him, - Doct J replied the next morning, expressing his regret and surprise, that he had not also received from his government a letter of recall, addressed to the President of the U States, so that he might upon presenting it, have . taken a formal leave of this Govt- This it seems is the etiquette, and is usual unless the minister is recalled in disgrace, at lea·st Doct Jones so understands it - Dunlap in reply to that part of his•letter expressly disclaims, any intention on the part of the administration, to offer him a personal disrespect, or to embarrass him in his leave taking attribut- ing the neglect to an oversight, or perhaps an ignorance that such a letter was customary ~ I think he is satisfied , and if Judge \Vebb, will call on him on his arrival and make the amends honor- able which I think he ought to do, I believe he may be made ·a friend of. He speaks highly of your State papers, approves the general course of your measures &c, but says he does not know you - that he has often tried to form an acquaintance (an intimate one I mean), but that you have never met his advances in the spirit in which they were made, & m.any things of a similar character I give you all of this for what it is worth - in order that you may under- state the nature of the ground should it ever be necessary to occiipy it - Bryan appears perfectly satisfied, and expected to be re- called - He possesses more intelligence, . and a better balanced mind than I had been led to expect How would it do to send him as Secty Legation to l\Iexico ?- He speaks the Spanish & is person- ally known to Santa Anna - I dont know that he desires it-I only throw out the suggestion I observe the resignation of Hunt & '\Vatrous announced - That you have gotten rid of the former, I cannot help congratulating you without precisely knowing how

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