The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 1257

1839 Jlfay 9, E. WALLER TOM. B. L 1 AMAR

Damons, Fort Bend County l\Iay 9th 1839

His Excellency M. B. Lamar

Dear Sir My business progresses ·as rapidly as I

could have expected although one waggon w4ich I expec-ted to arrive from Houston at Columbia did not come in as I anticipated. I started three from that place yesterday morning, which are now on the way accompanied by a number of workmen. I have found it more difficult than I anticipated to procure workmen but hope to succeed: in collecting a sufficient number together before we reach our destination. 80 We have at length prevailed upon a gentleman to offer himself as a candidate for Senator 'from our district to supply the vacancy, occasioned by the death of Col. Wharton; one in wh9se abilities and qualifications for filling the station we have every confidence, as also in his principles, and his future course, which we believe will prove entirely satisfactory, Col. \Vm T. Austin. We hope that the election may be held at as early a day as is pos- sible, as there will be a greater certainty of our candidate being -elected before th<' probable opponent Anson Jones can return or .have been long returned from the United States.

Very Respy

Your Mo. Obt. Servt.

Edwin Waller

T Addressed] Columbia His .Excellency l\L B. _Lamar Houston


Edwn \Valler

9th. l\lay Fort Bend

No. 1258

1839 Jlfay 9, THOMAS PRATT, HOUSTON, [TEXAS], TO l\IIRABEAU· B fUONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] Requesting an answer to his note of [Apr.] 16 regarding the "'singular rejection" of his application for a captain's commission. A. L. S. 1 p. ••waller was en route to the site of Austin.

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