The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 1245 1839 lllay 3, SAJ\I[UE]L WHITING, HOUSTON, [TEXAS], TO l\I[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAl\IAR, [HOUSTON, TEXAS'] Complaints of the cutting down by the State Department of_his accounts for public printing; the increased cost of labor and material since the contract with Niles & Co. A. L 1• S. 2 p. No. 1246 1839 May 4, W. H. G. WINN TO l\L B. LAMAR, [HOUSTON]

City of Houston 4 l\fay 1839

His Excellency,

The Pre~ident,

Dear Sir:

In compliance with a Resolution unanimous,ly adopted at a meeting of the San Saba Company, I have the pleasure of conveying to you their hearty thanks for the Kindness you have· manifested towards the Company, so decidedly evidencing your approval of their object. Though £nlly convinced ourselves of the feasibility of the plan contemplated, and buoyed up by the bright anticipations of success-still, Sir, yoitr approval, and aid, has given an additional impetus to exertions. Your further Kindness in promissin~ an extf'nsion of them, of such "facilities as the .armory can furnish," I assume is justly ap- preciated by the Company. Allow me Sir, individually, and in the name of the stockholders, with sentiments of the highest respect,

I am your l\I. obt. Servt

W. H. G. Winn Secretary


[Addressed] To

W G Winn

Secty Explgng Expd May 1st. 1839-

His Excellency

The President

Mirabeau B Lamar

No. 1247

1839 Jllay 4, C. C. SEBRING TO l\L B, LAMAR, [HOUSTON]

New Orleans l\Iay 4. 1839.

His Excel. Gen. l\L B. Lamar. Sir,

l\Ir. Bee left here on the 2d. inst. in the Sehr. Woodbury, with the Padre l\foldoon in company, whether as protegee or chaperon, I am not well informed.

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