The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



sustaining the [position] which you have expressed a de[termina- tion to maintain in] administering [the governme]nt.

I have the honor to remain with the most distinguished consideration Your Excellency's Friend and Obt. Svt. nlemucan Hunt.

[Endorsed] l\Iemucan Hunt,

[ Addressed] [His E·x] cellency l\I B. Lamar ) President of the Republic of Texas)


May 1st. 1839.

Resignation as

Sec'y. of the Navy

No. 1239

~ 1839 llfay 1, B. E. BEE TO [M. B.] LAMAR, [HOUSTON]

Orleans 1st ::\fay '39

::\Iy dear Sir, I rec'd ::\Ir. Sebring with great courtesy- as coming from you.- circumstances have since occurr'd which prevent his accompanying me and ::\Ir. Hammekin is now making .arrangements to meet me at Vera Cruz !-I sail to morrow in the \Voodbury and will remain on board Commodore Shubricks ship the Macedonian- until I receive a communication from the Secy of State of l\Iexico !-I go freighted with the most influential letters which will have their influence with the Govn 't- all that can be accaomplished to gratify your views shall be done- This will be handed you by my Son- he is: manly and honorable- take care of him for me during my absence- . Your daughter recogniz'd me immediately- and I had the gratification to be introduced to your venerable mother-Brother and sister! it will be a proud day to you to hail them in Texas.- l\Iy son regrets they cannot get ready for the New York-

I am sincerely and respectfully Yours

Barnard E Bee


[Endorsed] Bernard E. Bee,

Gen'l Lamar-

N. Orleans ::\lay 1st. 1Sa9. ,, Relative to his depar- ture for l\Iexico &c.

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