The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II





Col. J as. Love. Apl 1839

His Excellency, Genl. L [amar]

Respecting Beale & others.

No. 1236

[1839 Apri?], JAMES ARMSTRONG AKD OTHERS, [JASPER COUNTY, TEXAS], TO :M[IRABEAUT B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTO:N, TEXAS Requesting the appointment of a notary public for Jasper County. and suggesting William l\Iyers for appointment. L. S. 1 p.

No. 1237


'' The Forsaken.-A Sketch for the Sentinel.'' A. D. S. 8 p.

No. 1238

1839 111ay 1, l\l. HUNT TO M. B. LAMAR, [HOUSTON]

Navy Departme[nt] Houston 1st. l\lay [1839]


Agreeably to the intimat [ion which I] gave your Excell [ency in reference to my] retiring from pu(blic l]ife, [I take this meansl most respectfu1ly to tender my [resignation] of the Office which yo{1 were pleased to [bestow upon] me in the organization of your Cabine[t.] l\Iy private affairs whic[h have] been almost totally neglected for the [past few] years, in consequence of the devotion of [my time] to the public service, require my atten[tion] I find it necessary to relinquish a stat[ion] which but for that cause, it would afford [me] pleasure to continue to occupy, as it is my [desire J as well as my duty to serve my country. Apart from the paramount satis [faction] it affords me to con- tribute in any manner [within my] power to the advancement [of the] interest of the Republic, a disconnecti [on with] your admin- istration of the governmen [t withdraw] ing this aid, is particularly regretted, k[nowing as] I do the deep & abiding solicitude of [Your Excellency] for the promotion of its honor,. & gene [ral welfare and yo] ur firm determination to direct your energies [con- sta] ntly to the consummation of this great end. You will have my best wishes in [my retire] ment, for success, in

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