The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



week, can you take care of me one or two days. '' Dinna forget'' me. Oliva A. Mather. Pray tell me, what has become of my long letter-I have looked most anxiously for it. Could you imagine the pleasure you give me in writing I am sure you would be more indu,strious as a correspon- dent.


[Addressed] To his Excellency

Private Correspondince Apl 21, 1839. Galveston

Mirabeau B. Lamar Houston Ts-

No. 1215

1839 April 23, J. P. HE:XDERSON TO M. B. LAMAR, [HOUSTO~] Paris April 23rd 1839 l\Iy Dr Sir I am now anxiously expecting daily to hear of the arrival here the report of the 'Agent sent by this Government to Texas. as I learned some time since through the U. S. Newspapers that he ar- rived at Galveston in Feb- I apprehend that his delay has been in pusuance of instructions from his Government and I fear also that he rnay yet delay his re- port some weeks until the treaty lately made between the French Admiral & the Executive of 1\Texico through the interpo~ition of l\fr. Packingham the British Minister shall have been ratified by the Mex- ican Congress I shall however feel myself at liberty to urge them to give me a decisive answer to the application for recognition as soon as I hear of the return of their Agent to the U. S. You have doubt- less seen it stated in the U. S. papers that the Federal party in lVfex- ico had propose to make a Treaty with Texas & recognize her inde- pendence provided she would furnish a given number of soldiers to aid Urea in his efforts to restore the Constitution of 1824. That re- port has given the friends of Texas here some uneasiness as they feared Texas would enter into such a Treaty and thereby detract from the high position she has assumed. I have assured our friends that I believe they have nothing to fear from that quarter as I knew the Government and people of Texas would form no sort of political connexion with any l\lexican authority, however spe-cious their ob- ject might· seem to be. I see it also stated still more. recently that Stanta Anna or the Govt. party has sent a secret agent in the shape of a Priest to divert the attention of Texas to another and counter plot. It is fortunate for Texas, if that be the iact; that it is you who know him so well with whom he has to deal (I mean St. Anna). I am glad to hear that you have contracted for a sufficient Naval force to keep the command of the Gulf against Mexico. Noth- ing would so much contribute to the recogntion of the Independence of Texas by England and even by Mexico herself as [the blo]ckade of Vera Cruse and such of the other Mexican ports as Texas may have the power to support efficiently. Such a measure if adopted by Texas would prove to all the world that she is able to maintain her

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