No. 1205
1839 Apr. 17, K[E~NET'] L. ANDERSON, SAN AUGUSTINE, [TEXAS), TO [MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE] LA:'.\IAR, [HOUSTON, TEXAS') Sending indorsements of himself for collector by E. Rains and E. W. Cullen, [1839, Mar.] and K. H. l\fuse, [1839, Apr. 4.) A. L. S. 1 p.
No. 1206
1839 Apr. 17, THOl\IAS PRATT, HOUSTON, [TEXAS], TO l\I[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE) LA1IAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] Interrogatories relative to the refusal of his application for a cavalry captain's commission. A. L. S'. 3 p.
No. 1207 1839 Apr. 17, S. A. PLUMMER TO l\I. B. LAl\f:AR
New Orleans-April 17th. 1839.
Dear General, Since I wrote to you, I called on l\Ir. Beal to settle for the Look- ing- Glass.- He said I owed him nothing on that account.- that it was the first opportunity he had had in presenting to you any thing, by which he could be remembered,- As a native born of the same state-he was from, he was proud of you.-And hope yow would receive it from him.- As it was very handsomely done,- I said no more about it; and -concluded I would give you the conversation as near as possible.- And when we get our town on Copano laid off- we .can reciprocate.- There was a few days ago, from l\Iissi. a very handsome & accom- plished young lady- She is determined to remove to T·exas next fall.- She is worth they say half million-intends setting her cap for you- I think you rather old for her-She is 20- suit me better.- I'll take her with 250,000$.- Don't you think she must be clever?- I 've been busy trading some land for money & negroes.-hope to make a sufficient rise to fit out my Company & pay for the Kendal Rifles.- My respects to my friends- Yr. truly Sam 'I A. Plummer [rubric]. [Addressed] Private His Excellency l\I. B. Lamar, (Prest. of Texas) Houston, Texas.- [Endorsed] Saml A Plummer N O 17th. Ap, 1839
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