The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



But be of good cheer l\Iy Dear Sir. I have no doubt of my final success nothing but some unexpected conjunction of circumstances ca.n possibly prevent my success.- But let me again repeat. the interest withdrawal of the 8 pr Cent Bonds from. the. Market, is vital nay absolutely indispensable to tny success.- I will keep you constantly advised of my movements.-I remain :\Iy Dear Sir

"\Yith Sincere esteem very respecy. & faithfully Your friend.- J. Hamilton

His Excellency l\I. B. Lamar Presdt. of the

Republic of Texas


1839 Apr. 14, T. G. GORDON TO l\L B. LAl\IAR

Columbus Geo 14th. April 1839

Dear General I arrived at home last saturday after a very pleasant trip, and delivered your several letters to their address- I was sorry to find great pecuniary distress in Columbus, and many of our oldest and wealthiest citizens involved beyond redemption and their property advertised by the sheriff which you will see in the A:rgus that I send you by mail- The situation of the people is truly ·appaling and ruin stares every man in the face- A General suspension of the Banks is ag.ain spoken of by the knowing ones, thus verifying the prediction of l\Ir Biddle that we had resumed two crops too soon- A Province never suffers an evil, without some good resiclt. I think that the emigration to Texas [will be] immense this fall from Georgia and all the [South 1) West states and if Capt. Redd was now prepared to enlist recruits from the new Regiment. I think at least three hundred might be got here in the shape, of emigrants, to receive the bounty and take the Oath so soon as they arrived at Gal- veston Island- Any assistance I can render Capt. Redd, or my adopted country, in raising- these men, negotiating for their subsis- tence. or serving the Ilepublick of Texas in any other way here, shall be cheerfuUy given- There are many yonng mechanics here who would willingly en list in this Regiment as the pay, bounty of $30 and 320 acres J'.,and will be good wages for the 2 years & have their expenses paid to Texas- These young men, after their term of service expires, will be our most useful citizens, and a double object wonld be effected by enlisting such men- During the pecuniary panic, is the time to get thern,- I am arranging and settling my business with all speed, in order to move my family out to the new City of Austin, and think I will be ready to go in two months from this time.- I intend at the sales to buy some spot suitable for a Gardon and will there make the Phoenix arise from the ashes of the old one in' Columbus, still more beautiful- · Agreeably to your request I have made enquires in the proper quarter about l\Irs. Phelps and find that she is not able to move to Texas- [If] she will go when I move my family I ,vii [I certainly]

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