No. 1168
Application for appointment as surveyor and engineer to survey and lay out the new seat of government. A. L. S. 1 p.
No. 1169
1839 Apr. 4, R. G. DUNLAP TO l\L B. LAMAR, [HOUSTON]
New Orleans
April 4th 1~39.
l\Iy Dear Sir
My business detained me here until this time. I leave in the morning for ·washington up the river and will write on my arrival. Colo Bee has gone to Pensa.cola, to try and meet with Mr. Ellis- The French Consul, who was expelled from Tabasco during the French blockade, left here two days since with dispaches fr.om his Govrt to the French admiral at Vera Cruz. He s a warm hearted friend to the federal party, who compose as he says three fourths of Mexico- He has promised to give me all the news favorable to Texas & to1 aid Colo Bee &c- Mr Beal has acted strangely to say the least, with the Vicks- burgh bank- This bank was paying par for the bonds, and I regret that I did not go with Nlr. Reily, as I then & now believe we could have got the mo!lley- The Casheer of the bank is here- Beal forced the bank to a Compromise as he held $1,300,000. of their funds- The bank takes from him $80.000. of our funded debt at par. The news of lord Wellington's speech relative to the Maine & bondds difficulty gave a panic here and prevented the banks from loaning money on the bonds-. I am well satisfied that this difficulty will be settled, as a war would be ruinous to the Commercial interest, of both Great Britain and the United States. Genl Hamilton ig, very solicitous that the bonds of the one million shall not be sold to a bank, as he thinks it may cripple the sale of the five million bond,s to 1Ir. Biddle. Mr Reilly has left the bonds here _with a contract at $75-00 in the $100. but l\Ir. Irwin says the time has elapsed and the bank will not take them at present. To save Mr Reily feelings, and he is a man of integrity, I would advise that you orcter him to Philidelphia and there sell with the advise of Genl Hamilton- He is willing to go, and this arrangement will be acceptable to Genl Hamilton- I agreed with him' to write you to this effect. l\Ir Reily will be here in about one week-. l\Ir. Bid- dle has resigned as the news of this morning announces- This may drive the .bonds of the five million loan direct to Europe- He sees[?] the propriety to sell the bonds of the one million soon- l\fr Fuller of Philidelphia offered me $200.000. & to take the bonds at .&.3-Llbrarv.
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