No. 1142
1839 Mar. 23, ROB[ER]T MERRITT, WASHINGTON, [TEXAS], TO 1vITRAB[E]A[U] B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS'] Endorsing Daniel J. Toler for chief justice of ·washington County. A. L. S. 1 p.
No. 1143
1839 Mar. 23, ROBERT STEVENSON, WASHINGTON, [TEXAS], TO MIRABEAU B [UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] Endorsing Daniel J. Toler for chief justice of Washington County. A. L. S. 1 p. ' No. 1144 1839 Mar. 23, E. JOHNS' & CO., NEW ORLEANS, [LOUISIANA], TO M[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR,, [HOUSTON, TEXAS] Inquiry regarding the probable demand for the proposed new ,edition of White's [ Recopilaci6n] in Texas; sending the Louisiana Code of Practice; the English edition of the Civil Code. L. S. 2 p.
No. 1145
1839 Mar. 24, S. A. ROBERTS TO l\L ~- LAMAR
Confidential Dear General
Galveston March 24th 1839
Since I have left Houston I have casually fallen in with a number of gentlemen from different sections of the Country and especially from the west nearly all of whom, speak of the change which has taken place in the Politics of the Telegraph as likely to work a serious injury to your administration- There is the more fear of this as it is really the only paper which is kl~.own, or has an extensive circulation- This must be remedied,-If you trust it to Whiting he will do nothing-Satisfied with the Government print- ing he will take no pains to circulate his paper, but on the contrary would prefer to print only numbers enough for his City subscribers, as they are really the only ones who will ever pay- Whiting is essentially selfish, and _unless he is watched will never be o.f the least service to you- His paper never even reaches this place, and Reuben writes from Live oak Point that the paper is only known there by name, while the Telegrapli, is regularly received, and eagerly perused by every family- That these constant misrepre- sentations these "faint praise" articles, with so much affected candour, should, like the drop of water upon the stone, after a time
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