in his real light before the publick, and, therefore, penned the fifth para.graph in our article on the tariff in the 3rd No., which article we recommend to your consideration.· Will you have the goodness to inform us what other candidates for the Presidence are talked of in Houston, and to the East. ·with sentiments of personal affection, and political approbation of your course, We remain Your humble Servants Leger & Thompson To General Mirabeau B Lamar
rEndorsed] Leger & Thompson
[Addressed] Brazoria ) 1st March 1838 )· General Mirabeau B. Lamar Houston
Brazoria 26 Feb 1838 Respecting Biographies &o
No. 682
1838 Mar. 1, JAMES WEBB, KEY WEST, FLORIDA, TO, MIRABEAU B [UONAPARTE] LAMAR, [HOUSTON], TEXAS . The advantag.es of Texas in point of climate; resources, and oppor~- tunity for developing an ideal system of government; a request for· information, especially regarding the land system, and for advice in: regard to investments and to removal thither; his own prospects in Florida; his membership in the constitutional convention; Mrs. Webb's: wish £or information about Georgians in Texas. A. L. S. 4p. "Private". " No. 683
1838 Mar. 1, E. HALL TO M. B. LAMAR
Columbia March 1. 1838
Dear Genl. On my way here I have seen a number of the Inhabitants & Voters: of this Republic. the subject of Presidential Election has generally been introduced and I find more division in sentiment than I antici- pated The Talents, Patriotism & Bravery as well as the private Vir- tues of the Candidates. are pretty liberally canvassd. You stand conspicuous for Bravery & Honesty. but there is a great deal or gossiping about some little PicadiUos or A1mours. which have a pow- erful influence among the better halves of many Families. Your· talents have been pronounced of superior order in poetry. Your short residence in the Country has also been urged against you; your· Patriotism & devotion to the Cause is appreciated, and as therw is: no one of the other candidates possesses so many of the necessary qualifications, I think you stand the best chance. My interest and' good wishes for your future '\V elfare & Happiness prompts me to· recommend your taking a Wife, and I have no daubt that the pretty
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