The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



' left with l\frs Long some of which are of much importance, my Gun and 'Clothing are with Mrs. Long. Say to Mr. Ifensley not to forget the settlement [of] the, five claims that I spoke of to him Hamp S'miths new Bank goes in operation on to morrow which I trust will mitigate much the monied market. Shoul you incidentaly meat a suitable situation for myself in the military way advise me for a reentrance of the army but as a private would be rather repug- nant to my inclination I will I think if you are punctual have time to hear from you before I leave which would M duly appreciated and happily recd. by your immutable friend

Wm. D. Redd [rubric]


[Endorsed] W D Redd

Genl 1\L B. Lamar

Vice President

Columbus Geo. 8 Feb 1838 Inquiring for Horse, &Note

via Texas New Orleans) at Houston Texas )

No. 672

1838 Feb. 8, SAM[UE]L A[LEXANDER] R.OBERTS, MOBILE, [ALABAMA], TO M[IRABEAU]-B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS Introducing 'Thomas McAllister, a free man of color, with Mr. Hunt- ington, and recommending him as a servant. A. L. S. 2p. No. 673 1838 •Feb. 8, SAM[UE]L A[LEXANDER] ROBERTS, MOBILE, [ALABAMA], TO M[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, ·TEXAS Introducing Richard R. Wilkins, of Mobile. A. L. S. lp. No. 674 1838 Feb. 10, RAFAEL DELGADO, [MATAMOROS, l\1EXICO] Certificate regarding the distribution of the fine levied unon [George] Fisher for defrauding the post-office. Copy. 3p. English translation; in no. 1664, p. 31-3. See no. 250. No. 675 1838 Feb. 11, S[HELBY] W. LAMAR, MOUNT VERNON, ILLI- NOIS, TO M[IRABEAUJ B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS His own health and plans; an inquiry regarding legislation on bounty lands and headrights; his personal regard for Lamar. A. L. S 2p.

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