The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 671

1838 Feb. 8, W. D. REDD TO M. B. LAMAR

Genl Lamar

Columbus Georgia

Dear Sir

8th February 1838 How often my anxious anticipations has been disap-

-pointed in my daly visits to the p.ost office its unnecessary to write, but ~urfice it to say that my knowledg of your general obedience to such ·corispondancc as myself makes all necessary apology You have I dare say come to the vary flattering conclusion that ~ ·have forgotcn to return to Texas the rich inheritance of my early ,adqption, but a few days more will show that, that is a point on which :my resolution is fixed, and tha,t resolution is inflexable, My proceeding Jetter has not serened a sylable, in the course of my suit with Sarah .:you know all, Old Mike is still as inflexible, and mor.ose as I am ardent .and dete-rmined. Notwithstanding [his refusal] to yield to the in- clination of two and [the] petition of an only child, his habits to ·me ,arc frought with the decorum and a gentrelman his fastidious scruples of he who is to be the future guardian of his girl has but made me the more circumspect in common deportment I congratu- ]ate myself on one advantage which has accrue.a to myself from the :affair if no more it has given me a profession; which under different ,circumstances I might have neglected By an unrcmiting, aplication 'to books since our last meating I was admited to the practice of law ·at our last superior Court after a much stricter examination than I nad anticipated. This was "ruse de gucrrc,, which I hoped to turn to my aid in the '' affairs of love,, the consumation of this effort can- ::not at all be bad, I have just seen a New-orleans paper with quotation from The ·Texas Tclagrcph ,which reports a great 1.1evolution of cabinet officers -many unknown to me, paper contains contradictory acount, of a bat- tle being fought at or near San Antonio one reports Col Karns as. "being recaptured by the Mexicans, &c Do or do not the Texans intend :an early march westward 1 if its there immediate move do remember ·Genl my parting request of you to give me timely information, not that I am more [anxious] than usual for fight, but I have some dis- position to play the game out! I see that Rusk is appointed Major Genl and a host of other nominations "a la mode de"-Genl Hous- ton a sunset political move of the Presidents(! suppose) to give in- fluence to him who may yelp upon the track of the present Executive with the anxious hope of treeing up the same saplin. In my hunting days I always thO'llght it dangerous for young dogs to bark up a large tree, for tis three to one that he is not killed in "falling" it, When I left Texas I left an order on Col Ben Smith for one thou- sand dollars with Mr Lively I have never learned whether it is paid or not do if convenient ascertain and let me know and if not (if you wish) ask of Lively the order collect and appropriate it as your will directs Make some inquiries after my horse. You know your arc more than welcome to him Make particular inquiries after my papers

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