The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



and of the cost, in time and expense, of getting them to Houston, I am of opinion it would be most expedient to dispose of them, at Auction, where they now are; I am sure I could, with less difficulty, and in a shorter time, procure materials· from N. Orleans and get under way.-I have lost much time here, which, if I had seen you, or been able to communicate more fully with you, I could have im- proved by at least issuing a prospectus and getting subscribers. I will this day write one, and shall make the publication of any paper depend on receiving adequate patronage-without which condition, I may expect to find great indifference to the project manifested by the citizens here. Col. Bonnell is expecting a complete printing establishment, which he some time since ordered from Cincinnati. He, too, contemplates publishing a papers on an Imperial sheet. He has proposed to unite his project with mine. From the remarks made here commonly I learn that your pre!'lencc at Houston is very much desired, and some dissatisfaction, indeed, is expressed, that you do not come. On that account, as well as on my own, I wish you were here. Let me hear from you shortly, and your views, at length, in relation to the proper course for me to pursue. You cannot be more ''anxious'' than myself that I should commence operations, in one way or another, at the earliest day possible.

Yours truly,

J. D. Cocke. [ ¥] 60 [rubric]

[Addressed] Houston


Letter of J. D. Cooke Jany. 21 1838 City of Houston

Jany 22 Hon. M. B. Lamar,

V. P. Republic of Texas Brazoria.

No. 666

1838 Jan. 25, [M. B.] LAMAR, [BRAZORIA]. CONTRACT Genl. Lamar proposes. to loan to Messrs Leger & Thompson the press, printing materials, and paper now at Vela$co, on conditions that the same be returned to him in like good order in Brazoria whenever demanded, T. Leger 25 Jany.1838- [rubric] Algernon P. Thompson [rubric] BOThe signature may· be Cocke or Cooke; the endorsement seems to be -Cooke. In no. 650 Niles refers to a Mr. Cox who is interested in establishing .a paper. It is .probable that Niles was referring to the individual who wrote no. 665; and if S?, the signature here is Cocke.

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