The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II


A. Autograph. D. Document. Df. Draft. ::\IS. ::\Ianuscript. N. Note. R. Rubricated. S. Signed. [ ] Words or letters supplied. Omissions. [ T] Doubtful. C. Approximately. Q.V. Which see. Cf. Compare.


Born at Louisville, Georgia. Trip to Texas; declaration of intention to become a citizen. Battle of San Jacinto; Lamar commander of the ravalry. Attorney General in President's Burnet's Cabinet. Secretary of \Var in Burnet's Cabinet. Letter to the President and Cabinet regarding the Mexican prisoners. Resignation as secretary of war. Commission as major general and eommander-in- chief of the Army of Texas. Inaugnaration as Vice-President of Texas. Inauguration as President of Texas. Expulsion of the Cherokees from Texas. Santa Fe expedition. In retirement. Commander of the Laredo garrison. Appointment vs minister to Argentina. Commission as minister to Nicaragua. Commissions as minister resident to Nicaragua and minister to Costa Rica.

1798 Aug. 16 1835 August

1836 Apr. 21

1836 April[fl 1836 May 1836 )fay 12 1836 May 26 1836 June 25 1836 Oct. 22 1836 Dec. 10 1839 1841 ,June 1842-6 1846-8 1857 ,July 1857 D!'C. 23 1858 Jan. 20 1859 ,July 1859 Dec. 19

Return to the United States. Death at Richmond, Texas.

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