The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 659 1838 Jan. 10, W. J. JONES TOM. B: LAMAR, [HOUSTON] Mobile Jany 10th 1838 'Dear Lamar I wrote you a few days since 50 by Col. ·williams of Texas, and fur. nished you some items of intelligence which had not probably reached you with some speculations of my own as to the consequences both to this country and your own. Since then more decisive action has been taken by the Royal Troops of Canada & the most alarming dep- redations have been committed upon the persons and property of our Citizens, and there remains but little doubt that out of a fruitless negotiation war will come between this country and Great Britain. Neutralty is your position-You owe no obligation to this government and non-interference can not be considered ungrateful, and you are therefore in a more enviable position than that in which this coun- try stood to:wards France, when we declined to join her against England. I have not seen that any thing has yet been done in Corigr~~s- there has not been time-It will probably call forth a special Me$~age from the President-The public mind both here & in Engla,n,d is prepared for war-The slavery question is a mania in England and the attempt to unite Texas with a view; to strengthen that institution will arouse he English Naion & add to this and the Canadian difficul- ties the embarrassments of the times and you may be able to predict the result. Your government is hourly increasing its favor and popularity with the American people-Thousands will flock to your country in the spring, and those who drink of your waters and enjoy the luxuries of your delightful climate will not be likely to return. There is great satisfaction expressed here at the prospect of your election, and Te~as is the favorite theme of discourse and speculation both in the Coffee Houses and round the domestic fireside- I shall certainly be over in the spring with Genl. Hamilton-as I stated to you in my other letter-I write in great haste and must refer you to Dr. Roberts for local intelligence. With great regard,

Your friend truly,

W. Jefferson Jones

[Addressed] Genl.

[Endorsed] Letter of Jefferson Jones Mobile January 10th 1838

M. B. Lamar

Vice President of Texas.

Dr. Roberts.)

590n Jan. 8. See no. 658.

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