The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



the interests of Texas and to elevate her National character than any other event which has marked her rising glory-You are well & favorably known in this country, and your election will· revise South- ern feeling and restore lost confidence. I have published the corre- spondence between the Senate & yourself with such comments as the subject called for and have handed the paper to Col. Williams, of Texas, who volunteered to say to me that he thought the manner in which I had noticed your nomination would give you five-hundred votes-I shall be rejoiced to learn that such is the effect. Col. W. is warmly your friend & expressed his gratification at your nomination. Genl. Hamilton will be here by the first of March and I am pre- pared to accompainy him to Texas, to remain with you, if it be necess sary. I have written to Mr. Biddle upon the subject of your financial affairs to ascertain his feelings towards the country. He is my warm friend and will speak unreservedly to me. I wish your a,dministration to have the glory of placng the National debt and finances of Texas upon the same.footing that ours were previously t([ the second election of Genl. Jackson, and I am satisfied that no man ran give more con- fidencce to your credit than 1\fr. Biddle both here and in Europe. I am pleased to learn that there is no prospect of an invasion from the Mexicans. If our government has any spirit those sa,vage ma- . rauders will have as much as they can do to protect their own shores. "But those in power fear another contest with Great Britain, and they are now qua,king for the consequences of the intermeddling of our Citizens with the affairs of Canada-so that between the Mexican complaints on the South a,nd the Canadian difficulties on the North, our government will hardly be able to steer between Sylla & Chary- [b] dis. I would not point out either rock, if I saw the ship of State about to run-not to pieces of course-full upon it. A war between Great Britain & America would be worth millions to Texas by ju- dicious management on· the part of your government. Let the war come, as it must-but let Texas recollect the advice which Jupiter gave Phaeton when he took the reins of the Chariot of the Sun, in medio tutissimits ibis, and she. can climb into the first scale of Nations. Do write to me if possible between the reception of this letter & the first of March, otherwise I shall ha,ve the pleasure of hearing from you in person. Your sincere friend, W. Jefferson Jones

[Addressed] Genl. M. B. Lamar

[Endorsed] Letter from Jefferson Jones Mobile Jany 8 1838

Vice-President of Texas.

Col. Williams)

forwarded by yr. friend & obt St. Sarni. M Williams

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