The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



the · defence of the frontier ·against-the Hostile incursions of the Savages-nothing will satisfy the public mind on that subject, but the most prompt and efficient organization of a regular force, suf- ficient to give protection & security to the whole frontier-it is with pain 'and regret that I inform you, that on thursday night last the 18th Inst. one of the most shocking & barbarous. massacrees took place in this immediate vicinity-that has happened on this continent since that of ·wyoming during the Revolutionary War in the United States-the particulars of which were detailed to me by Majr. Elisha Clapp on yesterday-On tuesday the 16th Inst. Genl. Rusk with a <letachment of the Militia had a meeting with the combined Mexican and Indian enemy and had with him the most of the men from the immediate frontier on which they were- The relatives and several of the neighbours, witih their wives and children, congregated at the house of Jno Eden, when on the night of the 18th, whilst preparing for repose, the house was broken into, (it being a double one) where the women & children were, and the four men who were there were in the other end of the house, and barrd the doors against the women & children as well as savages-whilst the blood hounds went on with their cruelties, too great for language to depict-Six Matrons were either killed & mangled directly or wounded so they will die the little children were thrown into the flames which they kindled alive, or their brains dashed out against the ·walls of the house-Eden has lost his wife· & eldest Daughter killed dead-an other married daughter so wounded she will die, and an infant child of his own, beside a number of Grand children,-'Your old Friend and acquaintance Wm. T. Hadler has lost his wife-and his wifes step mother Mrs. Murcheson, who were manglelled and burned in the house, also a Mrs. Robert Madden was so wounded that she cannot possibly live-the Indians after having killed and butch- ered all the women and children, plundered the home of every t~ing valuable, set fire to it & took all the horses ,except one and put off un- molested. Universal detestation, and execration has fallen on Eden and his Son in law. Jim Madden for their basely cowardly conduct in the affair-such has been the Massacree of St. Peters Creek- If the Government will raise a Regiment of one thousand mounted men, arm & acquip them for one year, and give me the Command of them, I will give every pledge that an honorable man can give, and good collateral security to indemnify the Government fully & ef- fectually-That I will put to silence every hostile tribe of Indians in Texas, and the Mexicans in and to come into it-at all events such a Corpse should be raised, let who will have the immediate command of it-I am not anxious for it on my own account.- I have to suggest to your Excellency that you will be good enough to postpone-the appointment of a Chief Justice f [or l this county- until you can hear from the people by way of Recommendation as such a thing is now on foot-and a protest against the reappointment of-Cullen Aldrich, who has rendered himself perfectly odious to thE' Community by his many acts of corruption & mal practice, no less

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