The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



paign on the Trinity but owing to the Season being so dry and the grass being entirely dry we were compelled to return- I sent the most of my men home and went with eighty men within two miles of the Caddo Village, but could not make much discovery being on the most westerly fork of 'frinity and destitute of provi- sions we were obliged to return I could find but very few Indians we had A skirmish with Some Caddoes we killed Six and we had two men wounded Our frontier is very much expoi:;ed for about 200 miles. I have ordered out 100 rangers on the frontier and expect every day to have to call out my whole force to protect the frontier against the Caddoes and Other different tribes but I intend to be ready if possible to receive them I hope that you will communicate any information that you may receive to me as soon as you can I will do the same- I have kept my men in readiness for service for some time past If the Indians Should make a decent on this part of the Country I will send you immediate word-You must excuse the paper and writing as I met the express some distance from home and it was all the Chance

Yours With Much Respect Jno. H. Dyer Brig. Genl 4th Brig-

Capt J as. S. :Mayfield- [ rubric] [Addressed To Capt



Jno. H. Dyer letter

J as. S. :Mayfield Nacogdoches

Favor of 1\fr. Mc.Farland


No. 843

1838 Oct. 22, HrUGH] McLEOD, NACOGDOCHES, fTEXASl, TO MIRABEAU BfUONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS Introducing Major James Riley, of Nacogdoches. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 844 1838 Oct. 22-23, H. HOLCOl\IBE TO l\I. B. LAMAR My dear Sir. At the conclusion of this letter, yon will find a name associated with many of the reminiscences of your earlier years, and long anterior to the time when the course of events, and your own good genius, opened to your career the expanded field of public use- fulness and glory which has finally brought you triumphantly to the summit of any human ambition, [limi]ted as I know yours to be, within the bom_1daries of honor and virtue. Yes - the Presidency Augusta Georgia 22nd October 1838


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