The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



space in the good opinions of. this People-- I have also named Genl Felix Huston-his energy and talent-with his popularity in Missis- sippi-will have its effects- Jno. A. ·wharton would be an acquisi- tion-I doubt if he would consent to liv at Houston.-J\fr. "\Vm,_.H "\V- I presume would like to go to Europe--this will depend upon M_r- Hendersons desire to return- I wrote to him some time since a,nd daily expect to hear.- The worth and talent of the Country-with some regard to the sectional residences-and popularity of Gentle- men-must be consulted-but all this has occur 'd to you a thousand times So that I need -scarcely have alluded to it-Will Rusk be down 1 he must not Suffer Mr Birdsall to be Chief Justice- I do not consider him entitled to it either on the score of talent or char- acter.-With Mr. Burnett I would converse freely-the more harmony the better- · · I consider the Loan as having failed-it was impossible it Should be otherwise-Shall I intimate to Genl Hamilton (who is on his· return) that you would be glad to ava,il yourself of his Services r he would leave immediately to return to England-I hope it may suit his arrangements- I will be with you early in Novm.

And am very Sincerely Yours

Barnard E. Bee

[Endorsed] Col. B E Bee Valasco, 20th Oct 1838 suggestions up formation of the Cabinet.

No. 841 1838 Oct. 21, SAMUEL FULLER, BRAZORIA, [TEXAS], TO' MIRABEAU [BUONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] Applying for the position of collector of customs for the District: of the Brazos. A. L. S. 1 p.

No. 842 1838 Oct. 21, J. H. DYER TO J. S. MAYFIELD

Red· River Co. Oct 21st 1838'

Capt. Mayfield Sir I received your letter on the 15th Inst which relieved me very much as I had understood that there was much more mischief done than you report-I shall consider myself under many Obligations to you as It will relieve this part of the country very much I am happy to inform you that we have not had any serious difacuities as yet althought the reports are very alarming the people are very much alarmed on our frontier 1 have Just returned from a ~am-

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