The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 839 1838 Oct. 20, T. J. RUSK, [NEAR NACOGDOCHES?], TO COLONEL BOWL, [CHEROKEE NATION] At The Forks of the Road 20th Octr 1838 My Brother I am just on my return from the Kickapoo Town where I went a few days ago with some of my men to punish as I supposed th,) Mexicans and Prairie Indians who had commenced murdering our people & stealing our property when I arrived there they came out and attacked me and we killed several of their men and drove them off and to my astonishment found some Coshattas amongst the dead. one of your men named Tail was also found dead on the field but Goyens tells me he is an outlaw from your nation Thes·e Indians have made Treaties with us and promised to be our friends they have a day or two past murdered two families of women and children for this they deserve death and will assuredly meet it they cannot live in peace in this Country our property has been stolen & our women and children murdered long enough blood shall pay for the blood which has been shed by Mexicans and Indians I am glad to hear from Goyens that your men are at home keep them from amongst the enemy for if they are found there they will get theselves into trouble our people are enraged at the innocent ' blood that has been shed and are using every quarter to punish our enemies I have ordered five hundred men from Red River who will face upon and punish the Prairie Indians and they will repent the day thry have begun this tronblie I desire to see you and Big 1\fnsh as soon as you can come down to Nacogdoches come in a few days as I expect•soon to be out again If you act as our friend and have nothing more to do with our 1>nemies you & your people have nothing to fear from us I want to near from you as soon as possible I would come by and see you but have some business at home which calls my attention there immediately

Your Brother

Thos. J Rusk


Col. Bowles

At Home

No. 840

1838 Oct. 20, B. E. BEE TO [1\I. B. LAMAR, HOUSTON] Velasco-Octr 20th 1838- My Dear Sir, I have suggested that Mr. Archer should be invited to your Cabi- net-at all events pay him the Compliment of consulting with him on its formation.-he is an admirer of yours-and has filled a large

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