The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



of machinery lost in the Septem.ber gale, very little of which was in- sured. But the greatest hardship of all, is, I have had heavy sums of money to pay, on some unexpected security debts, so that I am now, you may say, once more very poor, & cast again upon the world and my own resources. I have become much discouraged in my un- lucky pursuits in the U. S. - And I am often ready to despair of getting along by any means I can devise. I have mad[e money]; but between misfortunes that were unavoidable and bad luck in being imposed upon by unprincipled men, I have been doomed to lose it again - I feel that I would like to quit the United States. Can I do any thing in Texas? Or can you do any thing for me 7 I have sometimes thought it would suit me to conduct a newspaper in Texas? What opening exist for this? - Or if I had qualifications for the post I should like to reside at Liverpool as Texian Consul f - But, of course would aspire to nothing for which I am not qualified.- I ask for nothing at your hands; because I have no right to, or claimed at your hands for any thing. I write for information - As a friend, would write to a friend - And candidly tell my reasons for rn doing. Please if convenient, write to me on the receipt of this and direct your letter to me at New Orleans, to which place I shall proceed by the first Boat. Excuse the hasty manner of this long letter, it was scribbled at a single sitting, & under much annoyance -

Hoping to hear from you soon I Remain Yours. With sincere Respect & Esteem

Alex. Jones [rubric]


[Endorsed] Alexr Jones Natchez Oct. 18. 1838 Private

free To/ His Excellency l\I. B. Lamar Houston Republic of Texas

No. 838

1838 Oct. 18, B. F. HEMPSTEAD, GALENA, ILLINOIS, TO M[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS Applying for an army or civil appointment; reference to Thomas H. Benton. A. L. S. 2 p.

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