The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II

PAPERS OF MIRABEAU BuoNAPARTE LAMAR 253 the people than any confederation that could be formed of sovereiJn states. The greatest good now accomplished directly for the people in the United States, is done by state Governments alone on the Commonwealth principle. As a fair 'field for the experiment of a pure republican form of Government, Texas has a great advantage on acc..::unt of her lJeing but one state, or common-Wealth. By this means, she is :!l0t liable to be harassed by those apparently intermniable disputes, and clis- quietings, that spring up under the workings of our complex < onfid- eration; at one time [there was] apparently portending civil war, & at another, a complete demolition and dissolution of: the whole fabric!! No, Texas, has laid open before her a path,-a high way, - that if properly pursued must lead her onward to glory & fame. Let her for the present march alone, & profiiting by the experience - the faults & defects of other Governments, show forth to the world, the capability of man, not only to Govern himself, but to do it well, & better than it was ever been done before. All other sciences are con- tinually advancing and improving. Every year adds something new to the arts and sciences. The new discovery and application of new things this year, is des- tined to receiYe additions and improvements the next & soon. And we see no reason, why the scince of Government should not advance as well as any other science. Our Government improved on those of the old world. Why not Texas improve on ours? The career Texas has before her, is a glorious one. I do not consider the destiny of the country, bounded by the Rio del Norte, and her other boundaries as alone involved in her futµre course. The destiny, some day, ot the greater part of Mexico, must & will be weilded by Texas, either for good, or evil. A great Republic based upon dlf'ferent and I trust better principles than ours, must some day spread its branches far & wide over the South & South Western portions of this continent. Of this coming republican Empire, Texas is only the Neucleus - proba- bly - The centre of a great Planet that is to form and take its sta- tion among the constellations of Nations. - Those who are to control Texas have an important part to act, & high trusts to fill l\Iaterials, have to be managed & moulded - the population enlightened & educated, morality & moral duties taught and enjoined. The emi- gration of good & honest cultivators encouraged. Respect for the con- stitution & la,vs enjoined & their execution faithfully enforced. - If the population can be brought to value & cherish the~e duties to the extent of their importance, much good will result to the general wel- fare of all; and cause the S'tar of their commomvealth to shine with an undying brilliancy, that shall call forth the admiration of an im-. partial world. I entertain some thoughts of paying you a visit this winter in Texas, and if I could see an opening there for doing any thing, I should like to become a citizen of your Republic? - I spent the past summer at the north, where I had a coni:iderable quantity of machinery built for southern planters. Such as cotton Gins and Presses &C improved by myself. But I have been very un- fortunate and nearly ruined. I had between 2 & 3000$ dollars worth

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