-As I ascertained from the first Broker in London that the London Bankers could not negociate the Loan for less than 8 or 10 prCent I have sent a certificate of this fact to Mr Smith I am sure Presdt. Houston will not now think that I intended to gormandize immense profits out of the Transaction.- I was exceedingly successful in the negociation of my South Caro- lina Loan, & have among the London Bankers made some highly valuable financial friends & correspondents.- ·wishing you all public & private honor & prosperity, for from my intimacy with your friends & relatives in Georgia I feel that we are already acquainted I remain.-
My Dear Sir with sincere esteem
Genl. Lamar-
Very respectfully -Your Obt Sert.- J. Hamilton [rubric]
Presdt. elect of Texas.-
P S. This will be handed to you by Judge Woodward, a friend of Texas and a highly respectable and intelligent gentleman whom I desire to introduce to your acquaintance
[Endorsed] Genl. J. Hambleton
[Addressed] General
----Mirabeau Lamar. Presdt. elect of
N York 11th. Oct 1838 Official.
Houston Texas
Hand by ) Judge Woodward )
No. 836
1838 Oct. 14, T. J. ALSBURY TO ,M. B. LAMAR
Live Oaks Oct 14th. 1838. Rio Brazos
Dear Genl
Oak Groove I wrote to my Brother in St. Antonia in June Last to Collect all the information Relative to the Storming of Bexar with a Plat of the Town &c and send it to me expecting long befor this to have had the Honour of complying with your request at the same time to have sent y [ou] agreeable to promise the following statement-from some cause I have not as yet Received the above Information-which I hope will be sufficient excuse for my not writing sooner in giving you a statement of facts in Relation to Self & Family I feel incapable of doing the subject Justiee but feeling confident that you will make allowances for me I feel no hesitation in writing-in taking up my pen to write you I cannot help indulging the wish that it was in my Power to give you a History of Events that have transpired since 1824 at which time my Father moved to this Eden of the World it would
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