The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



cation for annexation after which our President ought to respond [ ?) in the kindest feelings towards your Republic and indicate his entire conviction of your ability to maintain your independence to establish the wisest peaceful institutions-I think this might be arranged & that the Leaders of all Parties in Congress might be induced on the President's message to speak of Texas in a tone of the highest confi- dence-this I think would bring about a recognition· of your Inde- pendence by G. B.-I saw & dined with Lord Palmerston the Secy for Foreign affairs in England and had a long conversation with him to which he listened wi"th great interest &; attention respecting the situation of Texas & the means of maintaining herself not only against Mexico but I believed any European Power. I should like on any fit occasion to follow up the impulse which I thus give to his Lordship on this subject.-These enternal matters arranged Your Loan should be passed with special guarantee acts setting aside certain sources of revenue or specific funds for the redemption of the Loan. The Bonds shoula be signed by yourself & countersigned by your Secy.. of the Treasury with the Seal of your Republic at- tached to eooh Bond-and not by your commissioners. They should not contain an obligation to pay a higher rate of interest than 6 per Cent. although they might be sold from necessity at a discount which would make the interest 10 prCent per annum.- --But above all your Ports should not be blockaded this Winter. I have felt. this so sensibly that I have been endeavoring to arrange the means for your Commissioners purchasing a Marine steamer in Philadelphia in which I hope to succeed, but for the intervention of some disaster I think I shall. In case I do the Boat, completely armed will be with you by the 1st Jany. if not before.- But I deem it vital to the prospect of obtaining aid of a pecuniary character for Texas in Europe, that the Tone of your Inaugural address or Message should be marked by great moderation that you should rather speak of the augmenting prosperity of the Country than what the sword is to- [accomplish) of your great desire to pro- mote the establishment of the great Institutions of peace-to wit those which secure to a people the stability of prosperity; the obligation of Contracts the administration of justice and the diffusion of knowl- edge by a well digested scheme of public education-I would speak little of conquest & of :Mexico rather as a foe to be coerced should she be insensible to the obligations of justice. By these means you may be able to raise money enough in Europe to dictate the terms of Peace in her Capital in eighteen months.- -As I have some Lands to look after in Texas and desire very much to see my friend Bee if no untoward event should intervene I hope to be in Texas between the 1st & 15t. Dec, when it would afford me much pleasure to have the honor of paying you my respects in person.- I was sorry that my friend Bee should have felt so much encitement [excitement] in regard to Genl. Houston's act appointing me to negociate the Loan & thus to quit his Cabinet--He was quite right to appoint whom he pleased and to reject my projects or not as he considered for the best interests of his own Goverment.-

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