The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



if a proper land office and direct tax system, cannot create a, sinking fund to meet the loan and pay our annual family expences . l\Iy time admonishes me that this letter must not grow into a political one, I set down to drop you a line by the way, but so well satisfied am I of the truth of these imperfect hints, I beg you to lay them before President Lamar; for, it is from the free and un- bought opinions of his friends that he must hope to gather such council as will crown his administration with honour and success. I am most respectfully Your friend truly. Thos. I. Green. Genl. John A. Wharton. l\L 0. City of Houston Texas. (copy [Endorsed] (Copy) From Thos. I. Green, To Hon. John A. Wharton No. 832 1838 Oct. 10, T. J.. GREEN TOM. B. LAMAR Wilmington No. Ca. 10th. Octr. 1838. 1\ly Dear Genl. I have delayed up to this time from unavoidable causes in ten- dering you and though [through] you to our fair and beloved young country, my congratulations upon your elevation to the highest honour and office in her gift-that she will flourish under your guard. ianship and increase rapidly in physical and moral power I have the fullest confidence-that she deserves so to do we feel more sencibly since, from her very birth she has had in the mal rule of a corrupt Man a fungus upon her energies w12ighing her low down in human degradation-"\Ve have indeed passed a fearful ordeal in the adminis- tration of one whose monstrous enormities caused all good men to shun him as a pestilence and left him in the hands of the wicked. Let us now profit by the past and contemplate the bright side of the picture. I, for one who loveth Texas as a young bride, do so with a heart full of gladness, I look upon her as regenerated a,nd delivered from the devil, and am ready in the fullness of my soul to embrace, love, and serve her. ·

I am with sincere respect your obt. huml. Servt. Thos. I. Green. [rubric]

Genl. l\'.L B. Lamar.

Pres elect of Texas Houston.


[Addressed] Genl. M. B. Lamar.

Thos. I. Green

Willmip.gton N. C. Oct 10th. 1838 Private


Texas Care of .Jas. Reed & Co. New Orleans Lou.

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