The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



and said that he thought he could assist the commissioners if they came over

J.P. H

[Endorsed] Hon. J. Pinckney Henderson Paris Octr. 5th 1838


Express lllail

To His Excellency The Presidint of Texas


Recd. at the Consulate N. Y.

Care of

City of Houston

Dec. 4th./38:

Sam Ricker

CH Foibes & C.

Agent Texian P. 0 New Orleans

No. 827

1838 Oct. 6, JOHN E. GRAHAM, LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS, TO MIRABEAU B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] , His own history since their last association in Cahawba, Alabama; his present situation and roving disposition; inquiry regarding the· possibility of securing an appointment as surveyor-general in some· division; his desire £or land speculation. A. L. S. 3 p. No. 828 1838 Oct. 8, JOHN T. ANDREWS .AND OTHERS, BATH, STEUBEN COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO MIRABEAU B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, [HOUSTON, TEXAS] The life and career of F[rancis] Moore, Jr., of the Telegraph,. prior to his removal from New York to Texas; replying to a charge· of crime in the Bnlletin as quoted in the Telegr<t,ph of Aug. 28 and' Sept. 1. L. S. 2 P· No. 829 1838 Oct. 9, JO [H]N S. EVANS, GALVESTON, [TEXAS], TO M[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, TEXAS The payment of a custom-house bond given by himself and John F. Huntington and indorsed by Lamar. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 830 1838 Oct. 9, W[ILLIA]M RAY GILMER, MA'TAGORDA, [TEXAS], TO MIRABEAU B [UONAP~RTE] LAMAR,HOUSTON, TEXAS Congratulations; application for a position. A. L. S. 1 p.

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