my country and a wish to see her assume by sea the rank she ought to hold in the grand Scale of Nations.
[Endorsed] Remark upon the Navy its formation &c
[In pencil]
Remarks on the - navy -
No. 822 1838 Oct. 1, N. B. THOMPSON TO S. HOUSTON
San Augustine Oct 1st, 1838
Sir I herewith, transmit to your Eccllency J.\Ty resignation as district a-ttorney, for the first Judicial District of the Republic of Texas. And hope your Excelly will receive it as Such- The principle cause of l\Iy resignation, is that it appears, to be of too Much Monopoly to hold one office of profit under the government, also one indirectly under the government-These ar[e] my reasons-.
N. B. Thompson
:His Ecellency
Sam Houston
[Addressed] His Excelency
[Endorsed] N. B. Thompson resignation District Attorney Octr. 1st. 1838
Sam Houston
Nacogdoches Texas
No. 823
1838 Oct. 2, S[AMUEL] RHOADS FISHER, MATAGORDA, [TEXAS], TO MIRABEAU B[UONAPARTEJ LAMAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] Asking for the appointment of Thomas M. Duke, nephew of the late Chief Justice Marsha.U, "our first constitutional alcalde," as collector of Matagorda; his friendship for Lamar; Houston's obstinate :refusal to appoint him. A. L. S. 2 p.
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