The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



they had, and had opened a Campaign that eastern Texas, would have been deluged in Blood- "\Y e have no news of the election in Vf estern Texas, Horton ha,s beaten Burnet shamefully in the east, as he has Rowe- yet I fear Burnett is elected, unless the Red river vote, will save Horton- Here and at N'acogdoches, honest Bob, I think received in Nacog. &. here ten Votes I have the Honor to be. · Yours &c. A S. Thruston



A S Thornton

) Sept 14-1838)

Genl. l\I B. Lamar


No. 817

1838 Sept. 14, S. C. DOUGLAS TO M. B. LAMAR

Brazoria 14th. Septr. 1838"..

Genl. l\I. B. Lamar

Dr. Friend

I regreted not having the pleasure· of seeing you when in Houston about the 7th. Inst. I was com~ pelled to change my route home which hurried my departure from that place. A friend of yours called at my Office this morning for the purpose of paying your Taxes I regret being absent at the time, and that he should have returned without doing so. This shall make: no difference, I will will [sic] settle the balance If there is any due,. Our friend Colo. Calder informed me some time ago that he had received some scrip from you to be applied to the payment of your· Taxes, he is absent and I do not Know the amt. However I will settle it myself and arrange it with you :when I come over in Novr. next when I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you. Respectfully yr. friend Samuel. C. Douglass I should have been glad to congratulate you in person on your s~c- cess, but trust yet to have the pleasure of doing so.




Genl. l\I. B. Lamar

S C Douglass Brazoria-14. Sept 183S:


respecting some Taxes &c

Attention ) Majr. A Brighan )

No. 818

1838 Sept. 24, l\llLAl\I GUARDS, [HOUSTON, TEXAS]

Resolution, providing for a committee to correspond with Lamarr Houston, and others in regard to becoming honorary members of the- Guards. Copy. 1 p. In no. 819.

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