The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



the waves canse the imperfections there was no other chance of writing you in time to save my property

Yrs truly

S. Perry

:\Iy respect to Colo R

[Endorsed] S Perry

[Addressed] 'l'o

Live Oak Point 7 Sept 1838 Affairs of Custom House &c

His Excellency,

J\1 B Lamar

Prest of

per l\Ir Roberts


No. 814.

1838 Sept. 12, J [AMES] MORGAN, NEW WASHINGTON, [TEXAS], TO M[IRABEAUl B[UONAPARTE,] LAMAR, NEAR HOUSTON, [TEXAS] Inclosing a confidential letter from a friend in New York, and ask- ing Lamar's opinion regarding the project therein set forth; prospects of Lamar's administration; an invitation for Lamar, his sister, and daughter to visit the writer. A. L. s·. 2 p. "Strictly confidential.'.' No. 815 1838 Sept. 12, S. H. EVERITT TO M. B. LAMAR My Dr General Now the Election is over and the weather G[r] owing Cooler, I trust that some of those who have permitted their Excited fancies, to lead them to belive & to propagate falsehoods about you Such men I hope will take time to permit their minds to cool and call in Reason to exhibit to them the wild, Visionary & Reckless course they have Run in opposing the Voice and will 01£ the people in Jasper County it was believed by many that the Report of Grayson death was a Hoax, the polls closed. as follows- Lamar 232 Grayson 5 Wilson 2 -Beaumont. Sept. 12, 1838

in Jefferson County the poles were as follows

Lamar Wilson

84 19

' Wilson in Jefferson took the Entire Grayson Vote- Swift of Jasper and Grigsby of Jefferson were Elected to Congress Horton is beaten in my District about 100 Votes he will Run well

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