The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



No. 812

[1838 Sept. 7?], S. PERRY, [LIVE OAK POINT], TO - FULTON

(Copy) To lHr Fulton collector of Customs Live Oak Point. Sir

In the absence· of my invoices &c I accept the kind advise of my generous friend Captn Hull to appeal to you as a fellow Citizen and as a man and to lay before you a few facts of the case. 1st. At the time the Sehr La. left New Orls. I did not know that there was a custom House at this place. 2nd Notwithstanding the ignorant discrepancy in the bill of lading there is none in the export Mani- fest 3rd The two casks of goods were in my own possion• four nights. 3rd [sic] If I had really intended to carry out a fraud upon the revenue would I have to let them remain in their original shape four nights, when I could have, with the greatest ease put it out of your power to identify them? . You told me you intended to examine them and I let them remain remain [sic.] as they were imported although they were in my pos- session during that time. Will these facts have no weight? must I be the first sacrifice to the custom laws in a city which ought to be a free Port for at least One year? There are other facts Sir, that I might urge but I forbear at present. I will pay the duties to your satisfaction. Do you want more? I await your answer and am Very Respectfully your Obt Sert- Stuart Perry [rubric] I rmlicit your advise as to what to do. My losses have been severe: ,vhere all are gainers it is somewhat hard that I should be the only loser, but these things you do not know. [Endorsed] . Copy of letter to the Collector of Customs Live Oak point

No. 813

1838 Sept. 7, S. PERRY TO M. B. LAMAR, [HOUSTON]

Live oak point 7th September 1838

l\Iy dear Genl Permit me to lay before you the facts of disagreeable case that has occurred here yesterday, in the hope that you will lay them *Note the two casks were exposed to the weather at the end 0f Mr. Pearce's 'house. I told Loupey, if they were damaged, I wd. hold him accountable. he then gave them up and I put them into into [sic] Mr. Powers' open shed. they were therefore in my Possession S. P. [Note in document]

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