The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



have been as certain as Gen 'l Lamars.-Your circuhtr was not seen by one in a hundred-while a thousand reports were circulated against you.-not one founded in truth !-where general suffrage prevails no stone ought to be untuurned to enlighten the People!- Hortons travelling through the Country together with his arriving at Nacogdoches in the "nick of time" to accompany the troops doubtless lrnd its influence.-and he will thus have gained support which it is impossible he could ever have done otherwise- The prejudices were all against him !-You will have been every where, well supported and I do not de;;pair.-I repeat with proper means emrlier employed-nothing could have hurt you.-It is a new feature in Politics (in these times) to have a revolt in a Rep1tblican Gov 't~ The Mexicans of Nacogdoches it seems have never been contented. Accustomed to the forms and dignity of old Spain-our simplicity to say the least and intolernbly rude populat\on did not suit them, nor were there gross instances of wrong wanting to induce them to dis- content.-had the Plot not been discov 'd-infinite mischief would have ensued.-Nine Indian tribes ha1 been engaged.-and a l\lexican force was to have been furnished from Matamoras l-as it is-The whole is crushed l- The T,eaders if they can be had-must pay the penalty-The rest must be sent to Louisiana, or Mexico-great wisdom and humanity ought to be pursued.- I am in so much agony as not to be able to continue-I am also feeble-The fever has been con- sequent on boils-and the .fatigue of travelling-and not from bile so that after a, time I shall be very well.- I have been here sev'l days-Know nothing of the result of the Polls!- do enclose this to Col. l\Iorgan-which he must receive instead of a formal one- I am with great. esteem respectfully yours Barnard Bee I hope you have given it to McKinney without glories !-how un- worthy of him \Vhen he Knew my particular relation to the Triplet transaction-and that you expressly waited to see the Ca,binet.- 1\IcKinney never wrote the letter- Yonrs B Bee The Telegraph is literally prrsccnting l\Ir Baker !-In England they draw the distinction thus!- They say the People may i;;end who they choose to Parliament-but tho;;r ,rho haw committed gros;; errors are never ca,llecl to a Srat in the Cabinet-or appointed to office!- You remember our Savior.~ repl_v-whcn told the 'IYoman \\·a,; taken in the fact.- ''Let him that i,; innocC'ut throw tl,r fir,;t Stone-" The truth is Baker is said to lrnvc expintrcl his e1·imr-hi,; conduC't in this Country has bern oprn--r,·ery hocly knows hi,; crime-nncl if the People of Galve;;ton ehroRr to votr fo1· him-it is thrir lookout.-- r AddrcRsed] Hon Davi<l G Burnet- care of Genl Lamar -- [Endorsedl Col l~ E Bee to Jndg-e Bmnett Sept 6 1838

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