The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume II



high functionary of the Republic-he is I doubt not constitutionully timid and allowances must be made. his policy of not chastising the Cherokees was no doubt correct-as we are not prepared for a "\Var of any kind'.__but his prudence is excessive. The plot having been discovered renders everything safe-much wisdom and humanity ought now to be pursued particularly toward the l\Iexican population. a Revolt against a Republican Govt in these days-is something unexpected- The forms of Govt are after all ideal-and Pope was doubtless true to nature-when he said "That Govt which is best administered is best-" The letters I send you will doubtless give you all the particulars and as J write in great pain-and have several to write to -I will conclude by assuring you of my great regard-

I am sincerely Yours

Barnard E Bee

P. S.

l\fr Burnets election would have been certain had the slightest pains been taken early-as it is--not one in a hundred has seen his circular.-If W. Horton should succeed he will be entirely indebted to his own exertions and his having reached Nacogdoches "in the "nick of time-" I left his Wife and himself both pros- trated-but out of danger- Mr M Kinney must think himself of great consequence-but as he rules Houston he thinks he may as well enlighten the People- The letter is evidently written by l\Ir. H. I- Yours B. E. Bee Dr Smith & l\Iajor Whiting must pardon my writing-let them perme this tho there is nothing in it.- I trust you have sent your Sister and Daughter to the Seashore! I hav't stopped at a House without finding fever!-

B E Bee

[Addressed] Hon Mirabeau B. Lamar Houston Texas-


BE Bee

]Jr. Graces 6th Sept 1838 Private

No. 811

1838 Sept. 6, B. E. BEE 'l'O D. G. BURNET, [HOUS'l'O~]

l\Ir Groces on the Brazos Sept 6th 1838.

l\fy dear Sir, , I am in too much pain to do more than say I believe my visit has been of some service to you-I found you hacl friends every- where and if Steps 1iad been taken earlier your election would

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